Crowns & Bridges

Crowns & Bridges

As an experienced dentist serving patients in San Francisco's Marina and Cow Hollow neighborhoods and the surrounding areas, Dr. Guzman offers the most durable and natural-looking options for crowns and bridges, helping patients from throughout Northern California replace missing teeth and restore their healthy-looking smiles.

Crowns & Bridges Q & A

What is a crown?
A crown is a durable, tooth-colored cover that surrounds a tooth to correct cosmetic defects like large or dark fillings or deep discoloration, provide additional strength and protect a tooth from damage. Crowns are often used following root canals to improve the overall strength of the treated tooth and hide any resulting discoloration that can occur, and they're also commonly used during bridge procedures to provide strength and protection to the teeth used to support the bridge.

What is a dental bridge?
A bridge is a dental device that is used to replace one or more teeth that have been lost due to decay, trauma or other causes. Bridges are constructed of a strong metal framework and one or more artificial teeth or crowns. These crowns can be tinted and shaped to match your own teeth so they look natural when in place. Bridges can be permanently affixed to the teeth on either side of the gap left by the missing teeth or they can be removable, attaching to the neighboring teeth with special hooks.

What is bridge placement like?
Bridges typically require two visits to complete. During the first visit, the teeth on either side of the gap left by the missing tooth or teeth will be prepared to receive crowns to provide added strength. A small portion of tooth material will be removed to make room for the crowns. An impression will be made of the teeth and the gap and sent to a lab where the crowns and bridge will be made. Temporary crowns may be applied to protect the teeth until the permanent crowns are ready. At the second visit, the temporary crowns will be removed and the permanent crowns and bridge will be applied using strong bonding adhesive. Finally, your crowns and bridge will be shaped and buffed for a comfortable fit.
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