

Dr. Guzman specializes in state-of-the-art cosmetic treatment options like durable, natural-looking dental veneers designed to correct aesthetic issues while improving appearance and self-confidence in patients from the Marina and Cow Hollow areas of San Francisco, CA and the surrounding areas.

Veneers Q & A

What is a dental veneer?
Dental veneers are very thin restorations that are applied to the front surfaces of teeth and are used to correct many types of cosmetic and structural issues, including gaps between teeth, uneven or worn edges, teeth that appear too small, teeth that are deeply stained or discolored, and teeth that have become cracked or chipped. They can also be used to help teeth appear straighter and better aligned.

How is a veneer applied?
Veneers typically require two office visits to complete. During the first visit, the surface of your tooth will be prepared to accept the veneer. This involves removing a small portion of tooth material to provide room so the veneer surface is level with the surface of the neighboring teeth and doesn't protrude. An impression of the tooth will be made and sent to the lab where your veneer will be custom made and tinted to match your neighboring teeth, and temporary veneer may be applied to protect your tooth while the permanent veneer is being made. At the second visit, the temporary veneer will be removed and the tooth surface will be cleaned. The veneer will be applied using a strong bonding agent and then gently buffed for the most comfortable fit.

How should I care for my veneer?
Your veneer can be cared for like your natural teeth, with regular brushing and flossing and routine trips to the dentist to ensure it stays in the bets shape possible. With proper care, your veneer can last for 10 years or longer.

Can veneers become stained?
Yes, although they're resistant to stains, they can become stained when continually exposed to staining foods and tobacco products over time. If you're concerned about staining, during your consultation visit, ask about steps you can take to minimize your risk of veneer discoloration.
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